Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life as we know it

Life as we know it can change in a minute, or even a second.
Today was a difficult day, I had to go down to childrens youth,
[the place that takes kids away from their parents]
and i told them everything that i thought about my household, apparently they will be callingmy mom when they find a new household for me, im scared shitless.
i always seem so strong to the people that i talk to and there is only a few that know how vulnerable i am. It's hard, i mean im probablynot going to be able to see most of friends. and i dont know. its jsut ugh! it really sucks having to do this, but you know it was my choice to do it so im gonna live with it. I just dont want to live with my mom anymore, we fight lik everyday and maybe she doesnt realize it but we do and it is very sad. and apparently i cant go to my familys house first i have to go straight to foster care and then i can go to family. i told the guy everything to anything i could about my mothers boyfriend, the drugs, alchol, and weapons. its bad he is a bad person. i told them though that he has never once touched me and if he did i would have told someone beliiiieeeveeee me. so im happy in a way but sad in another, im happy that i wont be with my mom, but sad cause my decision probably changed my whole life.

other then that, my great grandfather passed away the other day, it was upseting but i couldnt cry because i didnt even know him. the funeral is thursday and im notto excited about that. i dont think im gonna go in i tihnk i might just stay outside while everything goes on.

i really have nothing to write anymoree

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